Artificial intelligence, experts systems,multiobjective optimization, control systems, industrial automation, failure analysis and reliability... all of that and more in one place... here. (not supported for internet explorer browser)
The certified reliability engineer handbook
Today I will recommend you the following book The Certified Reliability Engineer Handbook.
Reliability engineers are professionals who understand the principles of performance evaluation and prediction to improve product/systems safety, reliability, and maintainability. This handbook’s chapters and sections match the Body of Knowledge (BOK) specified for ASQ’s Reliability Engineer certification, which includes design review and control; prediction, estimation, and apportionment methodology; failure mode effects and analysis; the planning, operation, and analysis of reliability testing and field failures, including mathematical modeling; understanding human factors in reliability; and the ability to develop and administer reliability information systems for failure analysis, design and performance improvement, and reliability program management over the entire product life cycle.
Right now I'm reading this book and I think is a good choise whom loves the maintenance and reliability engineering.
Right now I'm reading this book and I think is a good choise whom loves the maintenance and reliability engineering.
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Labview - Stepping Motors and Labview
I made a little application in Labview for stepping motors, I used the local variables for the shift registers.

The application was made in spanish and using labview 8.6.
link: Go to application
Enjoy, See you...
The application was made in spanish and using labview 8.6.
link: Go to application
Enjoy, See you...
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VFD Micromaster 430 Siemens
Hi this is a litlle material about VFD (Siemens micromaster 430 series). Its very interesting because in the real world the parameter procces is the same of the simulator I wordked with the micromaster 440 in some industrial applications.
In this site you can be able to configure and explore the principal functions of the VFD.
GO : AC Drives Siemens
GO : AC Drives Siemens
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Corrective Maintenance AC Drives (Variable-Frequency Drive - VFD)
In this little tutorial, I show you... How to make a diagnosis of the IGBT's for a Variable Frecuency Drive?
This is a typical electrical configuration for a VFD...
The Input power is a three-phase input (208V,440V/60Hz), the rectifier circuit converts the input in a DC input (this rectifier is a 6 pulsations rectifier), the fixed DC voltage is a Capacitor whose mission is to establish the DC reference, and now the Inverter Circuit... remember that the IGBT is a semiconductor device with characteristics of mosfest (the controls gate) and BJT (the current output), often the IGBT have a Diode for protection in the current discharges.
How can you probe if the IGBT is fine or not? easy... If the diode of each IGBT is fine the IGBT is fine, if the diode fail, probably the IGBT is damaged.
2. Using the figure 1, and figure 2... measure with a multimeter "diode mode" at terminals DC+ (red terminal) and U, V and W (black terminal). See the figure 3.
3. Using the figure 1, and figure 2... measure with a multimeter "diode mode" at terminals DC+ (black terminal) and U,V and W (red terminal). See the figure 4.
4. Using the figure 1, and figure 2... measure with a multimeter "diode mode" at terminals DC- (red terminal) and U, V, and W (black terminal). See the figure 5.
5. Using the figure 1, and figure 2... measure with a multimeter "diode mode" at terminals DC- (black terminal) and U, V, and W (red terminal). See the figure 6.
End of this tutorial.
This is a typical electrical configuration for a VFD...
Figure 1. A typical electrical conections in VFD
The Input power is a three-phase input (208V,440V/60Hz), the rectifier circuit converts the input in a DC input (this rectifier is a 6 pulsations rectifier), the fixed DC voltage is a Capacitor whose mission is to establish the DC reference, and now the Inverter Circuit... remember that the IGBT is a semiconductor device with characteristics of mosfest (the controls gate) and BJT (the current output), often the IGBT have a Diode for protection in the current discharges.
How can you probe if the IGBT is fine or not? easy... If the diode of each IGBT is fine the IGBT is fine, if the diode fail, probably the IGBT is damaged.
Figure 2. Connection terminals VFD
1. Attention -Turn OFF disconnect the VFD system from Three phase input.2. Using the figure 1, and figure 2... measure with a multimeter "diode mode" at terminals DC+ (red terminal) and U, V and W (black terminal). See the figure 3.
Figure 3. First Measurement
if the Diode is fine each measured is OL... the diode is polarized negative way.3. Using the figure 1, and figure 2... measure with a multimeter "diode mode" at terminals DC+ (black terminal) and U,V and W (red terminal). See the figure 4.
Figure 4. Second Measurement
if the Diode is fine each measured is 04V-0.6V.4. Using the figure 1, and figure 2... measure with a multimeter "diode mode" at terminals DC- (red terminal) and U, V, and W (black terminal). See the figure 5.
Figure 5. Third Measurement
if the Diode is fine each measured is 04V-0.6V.5. Using the figure 1, and figure 2... measure with a multimeter "diode mode" at terminals DC- (black terminal) and U, V, and W (red terminal). See the figure 6.
Figure 6. Fourth Measurement
if the Diode is fine each measured is OL.End of this tutorial.
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Interaccion entre ingenieria de confiabilidad e ingenieria de calidad
Leyendo un material de la AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITY especificamente dirigido a ingenieros que se quiere certificar como CERTIFIED RELIABILITY ENGINEER (CRE), encontre algunos items interesantisimos con respecto a la interaccion entre la calidad y la confiabilidad que quiero compartir con ustedes.
Lo que escribire a continuacion es un pequeño resumen de los puntos 2
que me parecieron interesantes.
1. Otra forma de ver diferencias e interacciones entre calidad y confiabilidad, es la forma como los datos son recolectados.
En el caso de la manufactura los datos para ingenieria de calidad son recolectados generalmente en el proceso de manufactura. Entradas como voltajes, temperaturas, parametros de material y salidas como dimensiones, PH, peso y niveles de contaminacion son medidos.
Mientras que la ingenieria de confiabilidad adquiere datos generalmente despues de que el producto fue producido, por ejemplo, el el numero de toggles (cambio de off y on en un interruptor) antes de que este falle.
2. Los ingenieros de calidad y confiabilidad proporcionan diferentes entradas dentro del proceso de diseño de un producto. Los ingenieros de calidad sugieren cambios que permitiran que el producto pueda ser producido entre la tolerancia requerida y a un costo razonable, mientras que los ingenieros de confiabilidad hacen recomendaciones que permitiran que ese item o funcion, opere correctamente por un largo periodo de tiempo.
Es algo basico, un producto que cumple con estandares de calidad, generalmente es confiable , la ingenieria de mantenimiento y confiabilidad son geniales.. las garantias, las pruebas... todo!!!
La certificacion como ingeniero de confiabilidad es muy interesante, aunque en mi caso estoy en la busqueda y preparacion de la certificacion como CMRP (certified maintenance and reliability professional) de la SMRP que desde mi corta experiencia es la que cumple con las mayores expectativas que tengo.
Espero que esta entrada les sirva para algo, nos vemos.
Lo que escribire a continuacion es un pequeño resumen de los puntos 2
que me parecieron interesantes.
1. Otra forma de ver diferencias e interacciones entre calidad y confiabilidad, es la forma como los datos son recolectados.
En el caso de la manufactura los datos para ingenieria de calidad son recolectados generalmente en el proceso de manufactura. Entradas como voltajes, temperaturas, parametros de material y salidas como dimensiones, PH, peso y niveles de contaminacion son medidos.
Mientras que la ingenieria de confiabilidad adquiere datos generalmente despues de que el producto fue producido, por ejemplo, el el numero de toggles (cambio de off y on en un interruptor) antes de que este falle.
2. Los ingenieros de calidad y confiabilidad proporcionan diferentes entradas dentro del proceso de diseño de un producto. Los ingenieros de calidad sugieren cambios que permitiran que el producto pueda ser producido entre la tolerancia requerida y a un costo razonable, mientras que los ingenieros de confiabilidad hacen recomendaciones que permitiran que ese item o funcion, opere correctamente por un largo periodo de tiempo.
Es algo basico, un producto que cumple con estandares de calidad, generalmente es confiable , la ingenieria de mantenimiento y confiabilidad son geniales.. las garantias, las pruebas... todo!!!
La certificacion como ingeniero de confiabilidad es muy interesante, aunque en mi caso estoy en la busqueda y preparacion de la certificacion como CMRP (certified maintenance and reliability professional) de la SMRP que desde mi corta experiencia es la que cumple con las mayores expectativas que tengo.
Espero que esta entrada les sirva para algo, nos vemos.
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