Mil gracias a todos los lectores, espero ser mas juicioso con sus correos, a continuación una imagen del ultimo año que muestra visitantes de todos los continentes.
Un abrazo fraternal.
Artificial intelligence, experts systems,multiobjective optimization, control systems, industrial automation, failure analysis and reliability... all of that and more in one place... here. (not supported for internet explorer browser)
If someone want this document or tutorial in Spanish I can make it, though this tutorial is very easy.
Configuring measurement Scales
You can configure custom scales for your measurements using MAX (Measurement & Automation eXplorer), For example, you can use a temperature sensor that represents temperature with a voltage (for example the LM35).
The conversion equation for the temperature is, Voltage x 100 = Celsius, because with the LM 35 if you have 230mV this voltage is 23 Celsius for all devices always look the datasheet.
End of part one.
Part Two
Add a simulated DAQ Device in Labview
The MAX system in Labview is a powerful tool because you can simulated devices that does not have the physical device installed.
The following tutorial show you how you can add a simulated device in Labview.
1. In the getting started screen, please click >>tools>>measurement & automation Explorer
2. In the measument & automation explorer (MAX), please right click in devices and interfaces>>create new
3. In the new window find the item “NI-DAQmx Simulated device”
4. Click finish.
5. in the new window find the device M-series DAQ>>NI PCI 6225>>ok
6. And now you can play with your new simulated DAQ device.
Labview is the best solution in graphycal programming, for more information please visit