15.000 visitors...unbelievable!!!

I can't belive it, i'm glad and I appreciate it... more of 15.000 visitors since the blog was opened, when I was writing the first messages, I never thought that one day the number of readers will be greater than probably 1000 or 2000 visitors... is amazing how the web open the world at your desk.

Best regards.

Fuzzy adaptative PID controller test

I want to show you this paper that I made, using the original paper “Temperature Control System Based on Fuzzy Self-Adaptive PID Controller” by Xin H. et al ,presented in the Third International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (2009).

During the test and review process I found an error because the authors in the original paper dont used the error input in the adaptative fuzzy PID parameters so... how they can show the result without this error input ? I wrote to the  authors telling them this error but I have not received any answer. 

Enjoy the document is interesting, the document is in spanish...

Mechatronics and the Role of Engineers - ASME

Mechatronics and the Role of Engineers - ASME

An interesting review about the most wonderful and great ocupation for me around the world, the mechatronics engineering.

The mechatronics engineering acording to my personal point of view, is just the exotic juice of differents fields of knowledge, I am glad to be part of that.   Best regards   Carlos Javier Moreno Gomez

Failure is not an option

During my last training and research in failure analysis and reliability engineering program, I found a material from Case Western Reserve University (Mechanical and aerospace department),in this case is a failure analysis podcast... the podcast has got the following description:

"Methods and procedures for determining the basic causes of failures in structures and components. Recognition of fractures and excessive deformations in terms of their nature and origin. Development and full characterization of fractures. Legal ethical, and professional aspects of failures from service."

I think that is an interesting material, due you could to learn any where with this podcast, so I want to give you the link for this interesting podcast.

The picture is just for fun, when I was in Space Center Houston I read a shirt with the message, always I remember it...

Enjoy the podcast.
